I hate telling a guy what to do.
I'm sick and tired of telling a guy what to do.
I think..
I'm just about on the verge of giving up.
Happy Christmas all.
You are always the most important.
It's always you, you, YOU, isn't it?
I don't have any capability to be angry, or upset,
'cause I most probably don't have any rights to be any of those..
End up, it's always me consoling you..
I'm so tired.
Just so tired..
Stings all over!
Literally, all over;
Hands, Legs, Back, Face..
Ouch Ouch!
Thanks to the insane idea of swimming at 12 in the afternoon!
To top it all up, swam for close to 3 hours, all the way till 3pm!
Ouch Ouch!!
The things we do for RH..
Tsk tsk..
And bubbles!
Even bubbles have surfaced!
Hurts when I shower.
Simply stings all over.
Reduced to showering with cold water, and it still hurts at that!
The sun's really hot these few days too.
I can feel my whole body radiating heat,
and the sun is definitely not helping.
Feels my skin burning whenever I stroll under the sun.
Why doesn't he hong wor!
It has always been like this.
I stick to my word.
And am suffering from the consequences.
Akin to withdrawal symptoms.
But it doesn't matter,
For I'm the one that suffer.
No one else does.