Tuesday, January 30, 2007


在生长的路途, 我们难免会偶尔埋怨.
我们到底在哪一方面做错了? 真是我们的错吗?

被骗? 在什么样的状况才算是被骗?
什么是真, 什么是假, 你能分别吗?

在一个晴朗的傍晚, 外面刮着大风, 街上的树木都不停地叫苦. 就在这时候, 一位小女孩从附近的高楼大厦走出来. 她乌黑的头发随着风而飘, 眼睛关得眯眯的, 跟周围的路人没什么两样. 但是, 走到一半, 她突然放慢了脚步. 不知不觉的, 周围的人都渐渐的混入了一幅画的其中. 嫩绿的小草也迎着风开始飘飘起舞. 被打败的树叶也纷纷地从天空而降. 那位小女孩仿佛与世界隔离了. 她一动也不动地站在那儿, 从外观察这一幅画. 有好多, 好多陌生人走过. 他们到底在想什么呢?

这世界是虚伪的. 有些事虽然是说是真诚, 但一转眼, 也可以变成世界上的种种谎言之一. 人是会改变. 思想也像大自然的风景, 无可预料. 最好是别被一些人的甜言蜜语而困住, 笨笨地自投罗网.

今天的事实, 明天仍然毫无改变吗? 那后天呢? 下个星期? 下个月? 明年? 后年? 下一年? 所谓的"我保证", "我发誓" 等等的诺言到底能维持多久? 真如你所说的一生一世? 搞不好, 你明天就把整件事给忘得一清二楚. 不是明天就是后天. 不是后天就是大后天. 反证是迟早的事.

风越吹越大. 那位小女孩却无动于衷地继续呆呆的站在那儿. 当天的事又开始死而复生. 当天的风也一样凶. 天上的星星也星罗棋布, 海浪轻轻地在她的耳边说了许多悄悄话. 细细的莎在她的脚底下玩耍. 当天的她是多么的幸福,多么的快乐, 就宛如塌进了人间天堂一样.

幻想也好, 做白日梦也好, 人始终还是得回到显示世界里.
算了. 早已事过境迁.
天也开始暗了. 也是时候走了.

在无人的瞩目下, 她开始慢条斯理地往家的方向走.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

"It is the evening of the day
I sit and watch the children play
Smiling faces I can see
But not for me
I sit and watch
As tears go by"

-As Tears Go By-



For a moment there, everyone's heart plummeted when Malaysia scored first. Looks of dismay were written on each and every one's faces. However, the unspoken disappointment of the crowd did not deter everyone from cheering on. The kallang waves continued. The voice box of each spectator continued to work its wonder. Thankfully, heaven has it that Singapore does not bow down to pressure!! Soon enough, Singapore managed to equalize the match! Well done!

Penalties were a heart stopper! Especially the last one made by Singapore! We are so so lucky that the opponent's goalkeeper had butter fingers!! PHEW! That was a really close shave! More importantly, it was a superb catch by our very own goalkeeper too! Wonderful! The whole stadium erupted and jumped for joy! Screaming and shouting, waving the flag wildly in enthusiasm. No words can express how they felt. Imagine the team's euphoria! Imagine Singapore's delight! What a long long match! YES! A well deserved win!

Looking at the scale of the crowd gathered at the National Stadium, it explains why there was a HUGE jam along the ECP express way! Nevertheless, I'm sure everyone gathered at the stadium will agree that it was a match worth watching! Sweet!


Everyday, we sit all day in the office. Eat, sit. Eat, sit. It really amazes me how office workers manage to maintain their slim and tender figures. Seriously! Everyone there is so so thin that you would think they would be blown by the wind. Yet, they sit and eat all day. Puzzling, indeed.
I really really feel like exercising! But all he wants to do is go to the gym. I hate the gym. It's tearfully boring in there. What fun can one ever derive from running on the spot? Even having PE lessons in TJ would be more enjoyable. PE lessons then were my favourite! It was the only time we could really sweat it out, without needing to exhaust our brain cells, inevitably killing some in the process. Oh, how i loved PE lessons. Of course, I hated it initially, but someone changed my perception. Though it lasted for only a short while (since i left TJ less than a year after) I still thank him!!

Right now, I'm craving for all sorts of things like a person highly deprived of entertainment. What a joke! I feel even more deprived than my schooling days! Let's see. Cycling, roller blading, badminton, squash, tennis, swimming.. They are all out of reach! ARGH!

Swimming is a fairly okay sport, I guess. You perspire without really noticing since you are in contact with water all the time. More importantly, the heat that overwhelms your body after a vigorous session does not compare to that when you run, cycle, or to think of it, any other sports! Furthermore, you keep fit AND enjoy at the same time!! Sweet!

I still remember when my parents stopped me from swimming. I was so so angry. And do you know when they stopped me from swimming? Just when I achieved something! Finally, I broke the one minute barrier and swam way below that! Atlas, happiness is ALWAYS shortlived. Oh, how I hated them. Really. I rebelled against them like nothing you've seen before. I guess I was a pretty handful then. And still am, mind you. I'm not some sweety pie that listens to them all the time.

I hated swimming then. It's something that was way out of my reach. I hated my parents. They took away my ONE AND ONLY thing that I was fairly good at. Then again, maybe it wasn't a talent, but just something i enjoyed. Whichever the case, I distest swimmers. They have things which I will not have. It was a serious case of jealousy. I still hate them. I still avoid swimming. It's like everything was within my grasp and it slipped away just like that! GONE!

Maybe I'll train again. There's a whole list of things waiting for me after I leave this dreadful job. But first, I must break the one minute barrier all over again. Sigh.


It's been a boring week! It's like, there's so much I want to do, yet I can't. Even at work, there's so much for me to do, yet at the same time, there isn't anything for me to do! Weird isn't it? I'm seriously bored to tears.
The weekend rambled past in a flash! Soon, it'll be Monday again.
Sad Sad SAD!!
But, it's okay. Without Monday, there won't be Fridays. Another week to look forward to!!
Please, please, please.
Friday!! I'm waiting for you again!!


"My riches cant buy everything
I want to hear the children sing
All I hear is the sound
Of rain falling on the ground
I sit and watch
As tears go by"

-As Tears Go By-


Saturday, January 20, 2007

"One. Just one.
I'll only allow one boy into my entire life.
If it doesn't work out, then too bad.
Being single is just so much more exciting.
I do not believe in love anyway.
It exists only in fairy tales."



"Everyone, I'm locking the front door! Quick, if you want to leave now, better leave now!"

She jumped in her seat as the lady walked down the aisle, twirling the keys around her fingers. She smiled at the lady, not comprehending what the lady was going on about. The lady continued shouting the same message over and over, walking up and down the aisle. However, engrossed in her work, the lady soon faded into the background. She did not even dedicate a single thought to the lady. After all, it was not rare to hear people shouting across. Although on most occassion, the entire office is silent except from the rattling of the keyboards and the incessant ringing of the phones.

No longer than 5 minutes later, she realised that it was time to knock off! YES! Finally. Tomorrow shall be friday! She has waited for that day since FOREVER! Okay, maybe it wasn't forever, but it FELT like forever. Gosh! She quickly saved all her files, and started packing up as the computer shut down. In a jiffy, she was more than ready to leave.


She stopped and turned to her mentor.

"I think the lady locked the front door already. You all might have to encircle the building to another lift, if i'm not wrong. Wait, I'll check to see if the doors are indeed locked."

2 minutes later, her mentor was back smiling broadly.

"You guys are in luck! The doors are not locked yet, better leave before they are locked!"

She popped into the next cubicle and gave a pat on her friend's shoulders. Like her, her friend started work on the same day, and they got along pretty well probably due to the age similarity. Her friend turned and smiled.

"Ready? Okay, give me a second!" she started packing up and soon, like her, she was ready!

Without hesitating, they said their good byes and the both of them hurried towards the lifts.

"Wah! They close up so early here," her friend commented.

She nodded. "Yeah! And yet they make us work till so late! I seriously think 7 is super late!"

Her friend nodded, agreeing with her. Upon reaching the ground floor, they realised that the front door of the building was locked AGAIN. Thus, they proceeded to the side door leading to the emergency stairs and left via that passageway.

Outside, they saw a guy leaning against a car, probably waitinf for someone. Funny, they have never seen anyone waiting for anyone before. This was a first. They were chatting happily about the day's work when suddenly both of stopped and stared. The gate was locked! It was like, HUH? Question marks literally appeared above their heads. Not really believing what they were seeing, they saddled up towards the gate and rattled the locks.

It was locked, alright. People from the bus stop on the other side of the gate were starting to stare at them.

"Erm, erm.. How do we get out?"

They were stumped. How the heck do they get out of the compound?

"Er.. I think let's just walk down the road here, maybe there's another exit."

Shrugging, the both of them made their way around the building.

"Oh my goodness! Didn't we leave the bulding from there?" she said, pointing at the emergency stairs' door. "I remember that guy!"

This is so embarssing. They encircled the entire building without realising it. They felt so foolish.

"Oh yeah! Never mind. Let's pretend that we planned all this," her friend said, trying hard not to look at that guy.

Quickly, they left via the car exit, laughing at themselves at the same time. This is stupid. They had to walk round the building AGAIN to get to the bus stop. ARGH!


If my nose doesn't get unstucked by the end of next week, i will start self medicating! It's really frustrating, not being able to breathe in fresh air. Curses! I can't even sleep properly! It's not those runny nose nonsense. Nope, it isn't. It's just stucked. Blocked. I don't know how you call it. It's like there's this pressure in my nose that blocks the entire passage, but YET there's nothing in there. So weird. What lousy luck I have.

Finally, my dad decided to apply medicine onto my wound. It looks raw and wet and bloody. It's like... EEEEwww. Real disgusting, if you ask me. It's like someone skinned it alive or something. It really looks gooey, as though its still bleeding, but yet it's not like those thick blood. It's just well, raw.


I realised I'm old! Sad. Sad. Sad. I miss so many things!! How can I not? School was so much fun. I think I prefer teaching to working. You earn more too!

Maths. Maybe I shall teach maths. I miss those days where everyone would ask me questions! The feeling was just so nice. It's like, just 30 minutes before the paper, there will still be people appearing all frantic in front of me, asking me to solve the question on the spot. For once, I feel as though at least I'm still useful in some ways. Now? I feel useless. It's like, all of a sudden, I have become some useless piece of junk. It's pathetic!

Should I rejoice that no longer will there be people calling me at 1 am in the morning to ask me maths? I have no idea. Perhaps I would rather people call me at 1 am, and revert back to schooling rather than start work. Work is just too boring and mundane. The hours are seriously too long. Imagine. I wake at 6:45. Thereafter, it's work all the way till 9 at night! It's as good as NO LIFE!



"What's a secret?
A secret is only a secret when only you yourself knows it.
So why do you insist me on telling a secret?
It wouldn't be a secret anymore then, would it?"



Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brains."



Dawn descended upon earth. Students got up for school, while others got up for work. Likewise, so did she. Adorned in a weird array of clothes, she felt as though she was going to perform for guitar or CO. She felt really really out of place. By the time the bus stop came into view, sweat started tickling down the side of her face and onto her cheeks. It being the first day, she was still unsure of what bus to take. It was truly frustrating. However, always thinking that Singapore is 'small', she decided to take the first bus that arrives. After all, it's kind of hard to really really get lost in Singapore.

What a wrong decision that was! She ended up at the wrong bus stop and had to walk such a long distance to the right bus stop in order to transfer to another bus. A bad start to a bad day. How apt.

Upon arrival, a hundred different thoughts flashed across her mind as she imagined the worst. The receptionist was nice though. Really sweet and cheery! Maybe she should be a receptionist instead. They knock off way earlier than her too! Yeah, you can imagine what time she knocks off. Late. Really late.

After completing an employment form, she was ushered to her desk and told to wait for the person she would be more or less working under. It was more like a mentor kind of system. Her mentor would teach her all that she needed to know for that job. It was really boring in the morning. Just typing, recording, going blind, becoming cock-eyed. Seriously, she can't imagine doing this for the rest of her life. This was definitely not her thing. The fonts that were used were of font size 8! Can you imagine how that would look with a 60% zoom, on a microsoft excel spread sheet with numbers on 8 entire pages?! It looked like ants that were dead. Scrolling down the page makes one dizzy!

Lunch was okay. Nice. Cheap. It's the EXACT same price as that of TJ's but 10 times more delicious. TJ!! Please revamp your canteen, tuckshop, whatever! It really needs some work.

After a heavy lunch, naturally sleep starts kicking in. Yeah, dUh. Of course they couldn't sleep. Thankfully, her mentor decided to introduce to her more new stuffs! Nice! She'ld rather learn new stuffs than to continuously repeat some things. But then of course, she knew that it is only a matter of time before things start becoming a routine. Gosh, excited though as she was, it was hard to grasp the programme. The programme was tedious, requiring the input of so many numbers before actually entering the screen required! Complicated! However, she soon got the hang of it after a couple of tries. Thank goodness. Stupid as she was, she still managed to churn out a decent piece of work. Sweet!

Thereafter, she was introduced to microsoft excel again! ARGH! The agony. She stared at the computer screen for another couple of hours before she was totally dazed and she could feel her head pounding! What a day. Whoever invented microsoft excel?! Oh right. Bill gates. No wonder so many people hates him.

Took another one and a half hours to get home. Feels as though she was back in AC. Ahh.. Those were the days.


Woke up at 5! Kept thinking back to the day before, wondering if she made any mistake keying in all those datas, calculating all those figures. By the end of this job, her mental sums better be perfect! It was another one and a half hour to work. Such a long and boring journey. Kept constantly on her feet by the heavy human traffic, she tried to focus her attention on the MOB TV availabe just to draw her thoughts away from thinking of what other horrendous documents will be thrown onto her afterwards. Of course, being new at all this, she still had to be alert and keep her eyes peeled for the stop to alight.

Goodness! It's must be infection or something. She asked her dad for a plaster but he said 'later'. In the end? 'Later' became 'never'. Her wound looks red. Bleeding. Yikes. Feeling feverish all morning. Wonder how she survived the morning. Learnt MORE new things. It looked like it would not stop. But then again, there was plenty of time. New is good. It's refreshing, but the heavy burden of having to remember everything is really not all that wonderful.

Lunch came and went. Time flew past in a jiffy. Before long, she was back at her desk, typing away, squinting at the computer screen again. The infection must be getting worse. She started to get hot and oh dear, breathing started to get harder. Geez. What a nice 2nd day.

However, surprise, surprise! Her mentor decided to bring her to the warehouse as she would need to take the trip down once in a while to deliver some documents. Nice! She would get to walk around. She felt so hyped up all of a sudden when her mentor mentioned it. Yeah, you can imagine how boring it is. BUT! It was really fun to type all those figures. Her mentor kepy saying that she worked fast. Sweet. Feels nice to be praised once in a while.

Her dad fetched her today since she would reach home at around 9. Might as well fetch her so that the entire family can eat earlier. By the time she knocked off, the front gate was locked and they had to leave by the side gate. You know those side doors that lead to the stairs in case of emergency? Yeah, through those doors.

No headache today. Nice! But feels really really sick. ARGH! Seems like she's going to be sick soon!


Woke up at 6:45. Could hardly breathe at all. Today, for the first time, she managed to catch a double decker bus! Brilliant! She can finally sit on a journey to work. Throughout the journey, she was so worried that she would be late as she had never sat on a double decker bus before. The fact that she caught the double decker bus instead just goes to show that she missed the earlier one! Nevertheless, she was just worried over nothing. Nope, she wasn't late.

Continued with what she was doing yesterday. Made ALOT of mistakes! Sheesh. Had to reprint quite a few orders. There were too many to keep a straight mind while typing into the programme! It was 71 pages long and the size of each page was A3 sized! You know those drawing paper size? Roughly that size. It was no mean feat! Feels a sense of accomplishment when she finally did finish that. Corrected the errors and all.

Lunch was nice. Aside from the fact that her nose is all stuffy. Everything went well.

Learnt another new thing today! In the process of typing a huge file again. But this time, her mentor asked her to do it SLOWLY.

"You everything also do so fast. I'm very stressed leh. 'Cause I'll have to think of things to ask you to do," she said to her at the end of the day.

Nearly got locked in today! Thankfully, the front door to the office (not the building, just the office) was not yet locked. Otherwise, they would have to leave via another way which encircles the ENTIRE building. Yes. The place is like maze. Got lost today. Sheesh! She was heading to another department, and so she walked. After walking for a few minutes, she realised that she was back at her desk. Funny! How could this be? Weird. So she walked again. And she got back to her desk again! Huh?! In the end, she asked her mentor for directions again. Apparently, she forgot to turn at one of the junctions. What a complicated layout!

Her dad took the liberty of fetching her again. So nice.


I can't breathe now.
Going to watch some TV before heading to dreamland.
I want to breathe though my NOSE!
Sadded. [No such word, of course]


"It's a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up."


Sunday, January 14, 2007

"Fact can easily be classified as a myth,
Fiction can be proven to be a fact.
Fact or fiction?
Is there a difference?

Do not believe all that you read.
For all you know,
What I've been writing could
Just be fiction.
And nothing else."



Someone once asked, "Do you like me?"

"I like everyone," came the reply.

Then, he said, "You are too nice."

"I am nice to everyone," was the reply.


"It's raining. I better go get an umbrella," daddy commented as he peered at the rain from the sheltered zone of the shopping centre.

"It's okay. We just need to cross the road. The rain is not heavy anyway," she said, shrugging of the suggestion.

"Quick! The green man has appeared!" she said, and the both of them proceeded towards the traffic lights.

Rain tickled onto them. It was the kind of rain that was light and had that spring-like feeling. The soft and gentle touch of the rain resembled that of a water sprinkler caressing one's face. The wind tilted the rain a little and added the final touch for a wonderful scenario. It was a sweet feeling!

However, due to the slippery floor, daddy had to thread carefully and cautiously. This inevidently slowed them down by a considerable amount.

"Daddy! By the time we reach the traffic light, the green man would have been replaced by a red one!"

Having not paid any attention to the traffic, daddy finally shifted his gaze from his slippers and onto the traffic lights.

"Huh? Turn red already? So fast?! We better walk back," daddy said gaping at the traffic lights with this really comical look. An emotion between surprised and amused.

She stared at him wide-eyed.

"Come on, let's walk back."

"Huh? Walk back?"

"Come on, let's walk back before people think that we're clowns," her dad said as he laughed at this ludicrous predicament they landed themselves in.

She stared at him with disbelief. Nevertheless, they wobbled back into the shelter provided by the shopping and centre, walking ever so slowly.

"I think it's better if I go and grab an umbrella," her dad said surveying the scenario once again.

"I think so too," was the reply.


Excited? Tomorrow is going to be so so thrilling. Yeah, man. Just the thing to spice up my life.

[Gosh. Who am I kidding?]

Alright. It's all crap. I'm scared stiff. I would be lying to myself if I said I weren't worried.

2 months of AGONY!

Stupid me. [-.-]


"Boys are whatever,
Friends are forever."



Saturday, January 13, 2007

"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens up your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.

You build up all these defences, you build up a whole suite of armour, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dump one day, like smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore.

Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in darkness, so a simple phrase like 'maybe we should just be friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul hurt, a real get-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love."

-Neil Gaiman-


I took that quote from my friend's blog.
I was the stupid person who smiled at him.
I was the stupid person who said, 'let's just be friends'
I feel stupid.
Maybe, I am.
But he did not give up. Impressive.


The worse thing that can happen to someone is for one to be able to foresee doom, and yet not be able to do anything about it.

As the day draws closer, she starts to count the hours, the minutes, down to the very last seconds. Tick Tock goes the clock, seeming to count down to a day which she fervently hope would not dawn. The feeling is one that eats into her, day by day, as the same thoughts, over and over, flash across her mind every minute, every second, reminding her that time is running out, slipping pass her fingers. That feeling is dread.

It was a mistake. A fatal one. One that determines her future. No, one that cost her future. She can't do anything about it. All she can do is wait. Wait. And wait. Silently, she snatches at a small glimmer of hope, trying to place as much faith as she possibly can on herself, but it was futile. The beacon of hope shines dimly in the distant, but it is suffice to bring a smile onto her face, enabling her to pass each day peacefully, if not happily. Despite all this, reality comes knocking every once in a while, and she will be tormented all over again, wishing, condeming herself, wondering how on earth could she have made such a terrible mistake.

Time. It is all that is separating her from confronting her fears. Time shall heal all wounds, or so they say. But in everything, there is always two sides to a coin. Time heals. Yes, that may be true, but time is also the root of all problems.

Everyone only has 24 hours. It's what we do with it that matters. That's what everyone says. What if, we have no control as to what we do with the time trust onto us? No, you say. Everyone has their own choices to make. What we do with our time, is our own choice, and ours alone. No one is able to make them for you. But have they ever considered that the requirements of society made up by Man himself is in fact helping most people to choose? Have they ever considered that all our choices are in fact revolved round what the society wants, what the society expects?

Then someone points out, but isn't the society we live in made up by Man? So technically, we made up those rules we adhere to, we are the ones that trap ourselves. Hence, we chose this path. By ourselves. Or is it?


I took off the previous entry as I suspect that is slows my blog down by a hundred time, if not a thousand. A million apologies to those who have not viewed the pictures.


"Daddy! Which one is my charger! None of 'em can fit into my phone!" She cried out frantically as she tried to push the charger into the phone. None of them could fit into the tiny hole at the side of the phone.

"It's all on the table. Yours is the small one!" came the faraway reply.

She just got cut off from a phone call due to weak batteries. Yup! It always happens.

"Daddy! I still can't find the charger!!" She called out again.

It was late at night. She could hear her voice reverberating throughout the house. That's the price to pay for a double volume ceiling.

Finally, her dad slowly strolled into the room, dragging his feet as he entered the room.

"Isn't it on the table?"

She started plugging the black one again, just to show that it doesn't fit.

"No, no. Yours is the grey one."

She immediately released the black one and reach for the grey one. She tried plugging it into the phone. It doesn't fit.

"Eh? no no. Yours is the black one, the smaller one."

Frowning, she released the grey charger and reached for the black one again.

"No, no! Yours should be a smaller one. That's too big."

Looking exasperated, she reached for the grey one again.

"No! That's too big too," he said as he came closer to inspect the chargers

"But daddy! There's only 2 chargers here! If it's not either, then where's mine?"

He turned both of the chargers around with his fingers and tried comparing the size with her handphone. It still didn't fit. The way he was looking at the chargers, one would think that he was expecting them to miraculously change into one that would fit her handphone.

She cocked one eyebrow and looked at him.

"Daddy, they really don't fit my handphone."

Finally, seeming to have given up, he released the chargers and looked at her.

"I think mummy took your charger."

"WHAT?! But then, how am I supposed to charge my phone now?" She cried out in shock.

He looked lost for a moment.

Silence settled like a fog.

He looked at her.

She looked at him

"When was the last time you charged your phone?" came the unexpected question from him.

"Erm.. One week ago?"

She smiled apologetically as he gave her the that-explains-it look.



"Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me sing what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hands.
In other words, let's be friends."

-Adapted from: Fly me to the moon by Bart Howard-


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

"How could the end be happy?
How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?
But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow.
Even darkness must pass.
A new day will come.
And when the sun shines,
it will shine out even clearer."

-The Two Towers-


First and foremost,




Well, that's it I guess. Oh right, I've forgotten


Did everyone have a refreshing weekend? It was pretty long, isn't it? Sadly, it's all gonna end pretty soon and everyone will have the Wednesday blues. Don't frown, it's the new year. Be brave and smile.

Christmas this year, I would say - Oh wait, that's last year. Right. Christmas last year, I would say is one of the worse? Hmmm.. Perhaps that's a slight overstatement. I did receive one present. Yup! Just one. From a guy. He was really nice. He gave me home-made flowers, made by him of course, [He told me he went down to Bugis the entire week just to learn how to make them. O.O] a heart-shaped necklace kept in a heart-shaped box [I have no idea where he got them. It fit perfectly! Yet, he claimed that they did not come together. He's a genius!] and a winnie the pooh.

So many things. I see trouble brewing ahead. What's the deal for being so nice to me? Oh well, I shall not think about that now.

New year was perhaps, still okay. Played Mahjong till around 11:55pm. Counted down. Said Good-byes. Slept. That's all.

Christmas was spent on board the plane, so I don't see any sense in complaining about that since the trip was, all in all, a sunny-liciously sweet experience of a life time! Not only did I ride on my first roller coaster ride, I also managed to embark on my first trip to a country populated by 'whites', sat on my first backwards roller coaster ride, experienced my first earthquake, witnessed my first murder scene with blood and everything gore [Thank goodness they removed the body! It was equiped with CSI tape and all, but I guess it happens all the time over there], had a truly enjoyable time playing bridge and big 2 on the long bus journeys, and stuffed myself with hot dogs, chicken, and everything western. Sweet!

Now, it's the new year. Time for some reflections? Hmmm.. This year, I would say, ARGH! Wait a minute. It's last year! Okay. Last year then. Last year was populated by many 'firsts' Had lots of first time experience last year, but most of it, I shall not specify. Some of you would know, that is, if you still bother dropping by.

As you might have noticed, I had lots of firsts during the trip too hence, I shall not categorise them.

Good firsts: First 'A' in my entire JC life. First time I went out with a guy. First time I went to Sentosa more than once. First time I went to Orchard more than 5 times, First time I studied. First time I actually headed to the library to study. First time I wore a sweater to the movies. First time I celebrated my b'day with someone else other than my 6 friends. First time I spoke on the phone for more than 15 minutes. First time I went to a chalet. [Still not allowed to stay over though.] First time a guy ever got me anything.

Bad firsts: First time I felt so sad in my whole entire life. [Hopefully, the last. I really want this whole thing to end.] First time 2 guys confessed! [Truly mind-boggling. I'm still thinking of what to do with one, but I think he'll forget me once school starts, so that shouldn't be a problem.] First time I went out with a guy. [Hmmm.. A good first and a bad one. I don't know. I don't quite like guys right now.]

After thinking, I realised nearly all my bad firsts have to with guys, so I don't think it is worth mentioning.

Yup! New year, new hopes.
A bright year is awaiting!
Cherish this new opportunity everyone!!


"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost.
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken:
The crownless again shall be king."

-The Two Towers-
