Before I shifted to hall, I used to spent 1 hour each morning during the weekend blogging about my thoughts and feelings before heading down to Tampines library. I think that was what kept me sane as I mugged through JC for my A levels.
In university, Raffles Hall kept me busy enough such that I had no time for thinking. Either I was staying up through the night with friends; with my notes; with a nagging deadline; or for a freaking meeting. Even when I was not surrounded by people, I would be in front of the computer sending out e-mails; rushing through assignments; struggling through lab reports; or just have a quiet 'me' time watching my favourite TV series. I did not have much time to study, and even if I did have the time to study, I would always, and mark my words, ALWAYS be rushing to cram as much stuff as I possibly could into that pea-brain of my mine, just hours before the test/exam, hence negating the allowance for my brain to wonder on its own path.
Now, I have all the time to study after work - time I never had in university, but I realized why I never had the time in university. I deliberately not gave myself time then, for I knew that sitting myself down to study would just drive my mind down the path of fantasy and a nice walk through that forbidden forest I dread. With more than ample time to study now, the truth of how little I know grows larger and larger before me with its silhouette threatening to engulf me. The fear of the future largely amplified by the deafening silence that accompanies me through the night as I plow through my notes.
Sometimes, I wish I could go back to the days where I was always busy; where I never had the time to let my mind wander down that dark valley.
can finally lie on my back in bed!! After 2 days of terrible sunburns -
to the point where I can't even lie on my back when I sleep at night - I
can finally have a peaceful night, and not get woken up by the pain or by the awkwardness of my sleeping position that leaves me with muscle
aches here and there!
sunburn is worth it though!! Had a wonderful time at the beach with
baby although both of us got badly burnt. Well, that'll teach us not to
attempt that again! We shall not underestimate the lethal rays of the
sun! On a lighter note, I'm sure the both of us have enough vitamin D to
last through the week! =P
Awesome! WE HAVE A LIFE Peeps! =)