Sunday, July 30, 2006

"Don't forget to be kind to strangers.
For some who have done this
have entertatained angels without realizing it."

-Hebrews 13:2-



She jumped in fright and looked back just in time to see 3 boys laughing their heads off as they strolled past her.
Stupid boys, she thought to herself. Nothing better to do than to scare girls.

She felt an eye following her, watching her, trailing her. She was browsing through the numerous shelves lined with books, not really noticing who was around her. She looked up and her eyes caught the gaze of a old man. Quickly, she returned her gaze to her books.

5 minutes later, she still had the feeling that someone was watching her. She looked up again, and there he was, still staring at her. Not even flinching when their eyes met.

Keep your eyes to yourself, old man! She thought to herself as she walked away.

Her teachers says that if you leave so much for men to fantasize, you cannot blame them for harbouring those thoughts. Does that mean that girls have no rights to dress nicely? Just because men cannnot control their hormones, it does not mean that girls have to control it for them! Besides, she was not even wearing anything remotely closed to exposed.

Speaking of dressing, she knows what she shall wear during her birthday! Something so matured, everyone will be surprised. Jeans this time, since he wants to see her in jeans. Oh man, everyone is going to be totally dumbfounded! Can't wait.


"You know what happened just now? The cashier took out a calculator to calculate the change when i only gave her $24.20 for something that costs $24.15. It's only 5 cents and she took so long to calculate!" her brother was saying, describing the long wait at the counter as they walked down the stairs from popular.

Look at what technology has done to us. Made us so reliant on it that even the simplest mathmatics cannot be done with mental sums. Very soon, we will stop thinking and robots shall take over. What a terrifying thought.

A boon or a bane?


"But the fruit of the spirit is
and self control."

-Galatians 5:22-23-


Saturday, July 29, 2006

"The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us,
and we see nothing but sand;
The angels come to visit us,
and we only know them when they are gone."

-George Elliot-


Love everyone.
Smile everyday.

Never let the devil influence your thoughts.
Think positive.

Never sail down the river just because everyone is on the boat.
You might sink.

Never make it a habit to say, 'later.'
You shall regret.

Never be mean to anyone.
Be nice.


"Eh, Are you alright? Maybe we should quickly leave this place," her friend said, peering weirdly at her.

She said nothing, but just continued smiling. At least she was not laughing anymore. This may seem ludicrous, but she was laughing at a sms he sent. Funny thing, he smsed him just as she smsed her. Even more puzzling, she sent him an sms answering all his question without even reading the message. Freaky! Incidently, this was the highlight of her day.

Thinking back now, it did not seem that hilarious after all.
Have no idea what tickled her.
Feeling really ridiculous now.
Stupid too.


"Ahhhhhhhh!!" her friend screamed and tugged hard at her hands, causing her to stumble backwards, back onto the pavement.
Seconds later, a car zoomed past her, inches away from where she last stood.

"Clara! Even if you want to die, please don't die in a car accident. It is not worth it," her friend was saying as she pulled her across the road, like a little kid. "It's a good thing i was holding you. Otherwise, you could have died, you know!"

She didn't say anything.
Went on smiling as usual, like nothing ever happened.
She wouldn't have died anyway.
The car was not moving very fast.


Here's a stupid thing:
Whenever she feels totally zonked out, she would imagine him in his office attire.
Totally hilarious.
Laughed herself silly on Thursday.
Not at how clownish he looked of course!
He looked rather handsome actually.
Weird taste?

Seems she is now relying more and more on him to brighten her day!
Oh dear.
Not a good thing?
Best not be too dependent on him lest he disappears one day.
Better be safe than sorry!


"I wish you will be my fairy tale,
A dream when i'm not sleeping."


"Time is too slow for those who wait,
too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grief,
too short for those who rejoice.
but for those who love,
time is enternity."

-Henry Van Dyke-


Woke up and stoned.
For an hour.

Stared at the computer screen, just zooming in on the weird shapes the window media player is showing.

Love that quote.
So meaningful.
So scary as it is so true.
Too true.


He came online!
Yes! Not stoning anymore.

Have a nice day.


Dementors are on the loose!
She can feel it.
They are sucking out all the happiness.
Leaving everyone dazed.
In a bad mood.


He left suddenly.
Have no idea why.
Staring at the screen, waiting for his reply.
Without warning at all, he went offline.

No blames there. He is sick. Understandable.
It must be her fault anyway.
For keeping quiet.

He said, "Shhh.."
So she took his meaning to be literal.
She didn't utter a word thereafter.
How stupid can she be?


So many thoughts in her mind.
It's like all jumbled in there, blown into disarray by a whirl wind.
Suddenly, everything seems bleak.

The canopy of trees shifted, blocking out all light.
The wind grew still. She grinded to a halt, sensing something amiss. The darkness behind was terrorising. The unknown path ahead grew forebidding. The leaves from above started falling. The whole place fell silent except for the occasional crisp of the leaves. Her breathing was amplified, her fear along with it.

She was alone.


Outside, the pitch darkness is overwhelming. It consumed everything. There is nothing to be seen. Everyone's peacefully asleep. Not a noise stirred. It was calm.

On her desk, the clock ticked. She stared at it, her mind in a dazed.
'Tick Tock!' went the clock, in a constant rhythm that refuse to cease.

10 mins.
The clock was still ticking.

15 mins.
She was still staring.

20 mins.
She rose from her stupor and tore herself away from the clock.

Still pondering over the incident just now.
Why did he leave without a word?
It must be her.


So many thoughts.
No dustbins for them.
Overflowing, yet nowhere to place them.

Her brother is sick.
Her heart aches.

He is sick.
Her heart feels torn apart.

Her friends feel demoralised.
Her heart goes out to them.

Feeling helpless.
Utterly worthless.

Feel like disappearing.
Feel like dying.
Why is life so difficult?

End of story.


For once, she let her guard down, allowing the evil darkness to seep in. It trickled in, unnoticed at first. By the time someone noticed, it was too late.
The battle rages on.
She shall fight.

She shall make him happy. Even when he is sick. She will learn from her mistakes. History will not repeat. She will not make him angry again. She shall propel him from behind. In silence, she shall watch him on his journey.

She shall guide her friends if they lose their way. She shall hold the light that they so desparately need. She shall walk beside them, so that they won't feel lonely.

One day, she will succeed, and the smiles will be returned to their faces. This time, it will not be a facade.


"Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father
which is in heaven."

-Matthew 5:16-


Friday, July 28, 2006

"Dear God,

My birthday is coming soon. Can i ask something from you?

Father, i know that you've done a lot for me. You have blessed me with everything a person can ask for. Gave me what everyone else can only hope for. Made me the most fortunate person on earth. I really really am grateful.

I would like you to watch over my family members, my friends, and everyone i know.
Please help to make sure my brother and him gets nursed back to health. Please guide my friends along and not let them lose hope. Please lighten the load of my parents so that they would always have those lovely smiles on their faces. Please bless my relatives with happiness and good health.
Please, Father.

Is that too much, Father?
I wouldn't mind if you pay less attention to me, and shower more on them. I wouldn't mind forfeiting all other birthday presents for this.
Really, i wouldn't.
This would be the best birthday present ever.
I thank you, Father.



"Here, your chocolate. It's been waiting for you for a long time. Nearly melted," his brother said as he thrust a bar of 'kit kat' into her hands.

"Thank you!" she squealed in delight, but he left before she could say another word.

She has the best brother one could ever wish or hope for! Her brother is just so thoughtful, so considerate. He never fails to make her laugh, to make her happy. She's not afraid to say, she loves him. As a brother, of course. Who wouldn't love their siblings anyway? There's so many things to say about her brother. So many intrinsic characteristic to describe that she's actually lost for words. No wait, words are not enough to describe her brother.

Her brother would make the best boyfriend on earth.


With a bang, the judge hammered on the table and the place went silent. Everyone looking at her, looking at the accused, looking at the criminal.

She just got home from another dinner with him. Feeling guilty for having made him pay. Again. It's not like she does not have money or anything.

It's just the stupid rules. The rules of society. Rules he insists the society set, but rules are meant to be broken, aren't they?

Yes, but these rules are stubborn. Created at the beginning of time. Always held tightly. Too tightly.

Covalent bond? Ionic? Van der waal's forces of attraction? Hydrogen bonds?
If only those are the bonds holding the rules together.
At least it can be broken.


"Look at you, you eat like a little kid," her friends laughed as they helped her to clean her mouth of chocolate.

It was really nice to hear them laugh. Nothing beats hearing people you love laughing. Even a smile at her helps to brighten her day. Walking from class to class, she never fails to say 'hi' to at least one other person. She is so fortunate to have such nice friends. Their smiles just makes school an enjoyable place. A place that is at least tolerable. She can't thank her friends enough for adding colours to her life.

Of course, he added much more. Colours not found on the rainbow. Spices not found in the market. Perfumes not found in Arabia or anywhere else.


"What are all of you stopping here for? The green man's on! We should be running across, since it's raining," she commented as she nearly collided with one her friends walking ahead of her.

"xXx is bringing an umbrella for us," her friend said, smiling a little. "Since he's already on his way, let's not waste his effort."

So sweet! She can't believe her life is so beautiful. Everyone is so nice.


The leaves rustled under her feet. The gentle breeze blowing softly against her face as her hair cascaded down her shoulders. Strolling through the forest as the trees overhead filtered the sunlight, blocking out most of the heat. The rays of sunlight fell onto her once in a while, casting a silhouette behind her.

For a moment, she paused and turned, casting doubtful looks at the darkness behind her. Ahead, the forebidding path stretched endlessly.
She walked on.


Feeling weird.
Feeling lost.
So lost.
Don't know what she's feeling now.
Feels as though she is living in a pseudo world.
Putting on a facade.
Drifting aimlessly from one point to the next.
Like a ghost lost in transition.
She wish she could just fade into oblivion.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"Golden slumber kiss your eyes,
Smiles await you when you rise.
Sleep, pretty baby,
Do not cry,
And I'll sing you a lullaby. "

-Golden Slumbers-


What a night.

Have you ever felt as though your mind was going to explode, as though nothing could stop the rapid beating of your heart ringing in your ears, as though you would rather knock yourself unconcious rather than suffer another waking moment with that throb in your head?

If you do, poor thing.
If you haven't, lucky fella.

Went back home yesterday in a daze.
Was actually amazed that she managed to arrive home in one piece. Feeling ever so stoned, she drifted into the toilet and took a shower.

Ahh.. That's better.
Felt so much better after a refreshing shower. Was it a psychological effect or a truely experienced one?
Who cares anyway, she just wanted to feel better.

Sat at her desk and stared at all her homework.
Good thing she finished it the day before.
Still, feeling guilty for not having touched her work the whole day, she took out a set of notes and started reading through.
She never made it to the end.

Unable to stand the unbearable pain, she plunged into her bed.
It was only 9:45 pm.
Come to think of it, it was so early. How piggish.

She lifted an eyelid and peered at the clock.
She was still awake.
Forget the pain.
Better to do something productive than lie on bed doing nothing. She dragged herself out of bed and turned on the computer.
Yes, sad to say, her life revolves round the computer too.

Fiddled around, but still not feeling any better.
Finally, it seemed she finally exceeded her threshold level.
Bile at the end of her throat threatened to spill.
Thank goodness the toilet was near.

Too giddy to do anything productive, she might as well just give it another try at sleeping.
By then, the pain had escalated by a thousand fold. She felt as though her brain would split open any moment now. In fact, she even wished it would just split open and get it over with. It was so frustrating! Why can't she just sleep?! Then again, how can anyone sleep when it feels like a million nails are being hammered into one's head?
Nothing helped.

To make matters worse, her brother was sick too!
Headache and flu!
Poor thing! Good thing he went to the doctor. Hope he is feeling better!
If only she could take all those away and store it away in pandora's box, sealed tightly, never to be opened, by any mortal or immortal.
She hates to see her brother suffering so.

Outside, the clock chimed 12 times.
Great. What a night.
Did I mention that it was a good thing the toilet was near her?
She was hot, sweaty, and stuffy.
The fan seemed to be failing her.
The weather going against her.
Nothing seemed to be going right.
She felt like screaming!!

She awoke with a shock.
Hey, the pain's gone! Yay!
She opened her eyes and realised they were puffy and wet. She looked at the clock and blinked. Her eyes stung. Unknowingly, she must have cried herself to sleep a while ago.
She squeezed her eye shut thinking, 'Oh dear, she is really going to look like a goldfish tomorrow.'
'Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep,' she chanted silently to herself, hoping to self hypnotise herself.

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!"
Still not asleep.
How can this be?!
Has her body gone retarted? Isn't she supposed to be exhausted after a whole day out? Isn't she supposed to black out the moment her head touches the pillow? What's happened?!

What happened next was actually hilarious.
Feeling groggy, she picked up the phone and started typing a sms.
Weird? Only when she was about to send, did she realise the time.
Hastily, she added, 'hope i didn't wake you' to the message.
Pretty redudant acutally, seeing that if it did wake him up, then what's the use of writing that?
Oh well, the funny things a person deprived of sleep would do.
You'ld never guess.
(P.S.: Sorry, if i indeed woke you up.)

All is not lost however! She still managed to sleep in the end.
Yes! Finally! Whee..
Quite satisfied that she slept, she was feeling contented.
You can't ask too much.
'God made it that way,' is what her chemistry teacher likes to say.

Woke up with a headache.
(It was supposed to be gone! Who brought it back? Come on, out with it! Who is the culprit? Come out, come out, wherever you are! I know you're out there somewhere!)

[Ignore the above. Just some random thoughts.]

Hardly suprising there.
Someone should concoct a headache remedy or something.
Sweet, and not bitter.
Definitely not some injection.
Puh-lease! Not a pill!
(Why in the world did they invent that anyway?! It's so hard to swallow. She avoids Panado like a plague. It's so big the it actually flows backwards, along with everything in her stomach.
Good thing she did not take it. Otherwise, she would be needing the toilet a whole lot more.
She is so wise.)


His first day at work!
Hope he had a good night's sleep! Not like her.
A single step on the moon, is a giant leap for mankind.
A single step into the workforce is like a giant leap to something great!
Weird analogy?
Must be due to the lack of sleep.
She still finds that it perfectly illustrates what she wants to say though.
Never mind, treat it as some zombie rambling.


Off to bed now. Tired.


"Care you know not,
Therefore sleep,
While I o'er you watch do keep.
Sleep, pretty darling,
Do not cry,
And I will sing a lullaby."

-Golden Slumbers-


Monday, July 24, 2006

Had a wonderful, wonderful, WONDERFUL day today.
Enjoyed every moment of it! (Except maybe for the headache)
It was simply splendid! Fun! Enjoyable!

Rule 1: Never go to the toilet when it's freezing. It only makes things worse. She did not feel cold initially, until she went to the toilet. When she returned, not only were her teeth chattering, but she could also feel her insides shivering and her muscles trembling. She was super super cold! Okay, she thought maybe singing will help. It did not! She still felt super super cold!

Okay, feeling cold is still bearable, until she had a headache. It must be the cold. The freaking cold! Curses! It was so sudden and so so so fast! What a terrible headache. She actually felt like puking! Argh!

Still, she had a blast of her time!
Happy, happy happy!!

SBS should really revamp their buses. It was so difficult to talk in a phone with her hand bouncing up and down, and the bus bumping away like a bumper car. Naturally, it did not help her headache either. Seriously, someone should send in some suggestions or something.

However, it was still a day filled with smiles.
Happy, happy, happy!!


Saturday, July 22, 2006

"Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jetplane
Far away and break away "



"Hey, finish already. 18 minutes."
"Huh? Not one more round?"
"Nope, 6 rounds completed."
"Bluff. How can be 18 minutes? You faked the timing. I stopped alot this time round, how can it be 18 minutes? I think I still have one more round. Impossible that it's 18 minutes!"

No matter what he said, she just cannot bring herself to believe him. It seems illogical that she managed to run within a shorter time frame despite the increased in frequency of her stopping. Doesn't make sense, right? Right.

He seemed tired and lethargic. Must be the lack of sleep. Felt so weird with him. She felt as though she was high on sugar. Felt so hyper, so restless. Having the urge to do so many things at the same time, yet there was nothing to be done. What a huge contrast to him. He looked as though he could have slept on the spot. Maybe that's why it was weird.

Feeling ever so active!!
Why? Why? why?
Must be the sweets she took for breakfast and lunch.
Wait, it's stated very clearly on the box.
Sugar free.


"Jiayou! Faster! Reaching soon!
Not bad! Happy?"
She could only smile as she tried to catch her breath.
That is like, close to a minute faster than the day before!
What a run well ran. What a feat.
One minute!!
My goodness!!

Let's see now. To get a silver, she'ld have to run below 16:40. That's half a minute faster than what she accomplished.
Aim for the sky, and you would fall on the rainbow.
Similarly, aim for silver, and she would fall on Bronze.
Yes, better than a fail.
I've got to admit. She's good.
(Someone, please check her ego.)


Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!

The incessant ringing from behind is enough to send her sprawling on the floor. Here she was, blading at East Coast Park with her brother, but this irritating guy behind kept pressing that annoying bell!

It punctured the air of tranquility, and pierced the blanket of serenity like a knife. Annoying the hell out of her. It's not like she was occupying the whole road or anything. There were more than enough room about her for the cyclist to manouver around. It was simply the cyclist's attitude problem!

Then again, here's the unfair situation. A roller bladder has no bell, but a cyclist has one. It is so obvious that the cyclist is abusing his rights to use one! Of course, ringing once in a while is okie, but to ring even when there wasn't anyone ahead? That's simply out of your mind!

So she gave way to that man, but did that stop his itchy fingers from fiddling with the bell?
Nope! It went on ringing and ringing.
How sweet of him to provide such nerve wrecking entertainment. She hopes someone up ahead would take the initiative to thank him. He deserves recognition.

The beach!

Behold, the beach!
What a wonderful place.
It's the best place on earth!

Picture this: Camping by the beach at night with your friends.
Chatting the night away with the waves thrashing at the shoreline.
The soothing sea breeze drifting into the tent, stroking your hair with a gentle touch.
The silence of the night is tantalizing, yet peaceful and calm.
Most importantly, there's your friends with you.

What a perfect scenario. So perfect, that it is most probably not probable.
Anyhow, it would be the perfect activity. Economical, yet fun at the same time.
The bliss of pure relaxation. No worries for As or anything else.
What a faraway thing.


"I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly.
I'll do what it takes till I touch the sky.
Make a wish, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away.
Out of the darkness and into the sun.
But I won't forget all the ones that I love.I
'll take a risk, take a chance,
Make a change, and break away."



Thursday, July 20, 2006

"I'm walking on sunshine wooah!
I'm walking on sunshine wooah!
I'm walking on sunshine wooah!
And don't it feel good!!
I'll say it again now,
And don't it feel good!!"

-Walking on sunshine-


The above says it all.

Happy day.
Happy mood.
Happy girl!


"11:20 mins. Well done, girls. Please keep off the road. Don't block your friends!" the teacher said, ushering the students to the parade square. Still panting heavily, she dragged her feet behind her as she stepped onto the parade square.

11 mins 20 secs.

Surprise, surprise!

She ran 1.8 km in 11 mins and 20 secs!! What a record. Yes, laughable, but it was still her personal best. She could not help but smile, smile, smile! Chances of passing her physical test have increased! She is proud to say that the confidence interval has widened! Yes!


"Clara, have you finished? Why are you smiling? Don't be too happy, I'm going to check your work later," her biology teacher said, directing her comments at her. She turned towards her friend and raised her eyebrow. Is it a crime to be smiling now? This is the third time this term her biology teacher is commenting on her 'cheerful' mood. It seems as though her biology teacher detests it.

"She's going to call me. I'm sure of it. She always calls me when i'm smiling," she said from the corner of her mouth, maintaining her gaze at the whiteboard.

True enough, she was called to answer the next question.
Lesson learnt: Never smile, especially at a crocodile.

By the way, the graph paper was eventually obtained by re-using a secondary two mathematics homework. She erased the whole thing.


Expand (a+b)^n

= ( a + b ) ^ n
= ( a + b ) ^ n
= ( a + b ) ^ n

"No? Not the answer? I know. How about this?," the teacher said and erased everything.

(a+b) ^n
= (a+b) ^n
= (a+b)^n
= (a+b)^n


Everyone started running.
There was much pushing and shoving, but soon it was clear who was ahead and who was lagging behind.

"Should I drop?"
"Yes, you should."

Before long, baggages were dropped. From 4 subjects, many were down to 3. Despite the heavy weight, she struggled on with 4. Panting, gasping for air, she ran on.

First stop: A breather. To catch ones' breath. How did she fare?

Second stop: A petrol station to get some rations. Or to discard some. How did she fare?

Third stop: A drinks station to replenish warn out muscles. How did she fare?

The finish point is still far from view. The horizon is beautiful though. The path towards the end point may not be a straight path, neither will it be flat. Yet, the trees and flowers adorning the path will always be there. The sun will keep shining, the sky will remain blue.

Present Position: 189
Ambition by Prelims:<150


"When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles
From your nice warm bed
Just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you've got a friend in me"

-You've got a friend in me-


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

"The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is not literally gold. It's happiness, friendship, family and love. That's what I genuinely term gold."

"Fee! Fi! Fo! Fum! Is that human blood I smell? Bzzz!"
Its companion scrunched up its nose and sniffed the air.
"I smell something delicious. Something mouth-watering. Something so tasty that makes my mind whirl and my heart beat. Bzzz! Let's bite into it!"

6 pairs of bites.
1 litre of blood.

Yes, that's right. You did not read wrongly.
2 lesbian mosquitoes went on a date. A fabulous restaurant came along and they had their fill on her blood.

"Don't go too far, dear! Make sure I can see you!"
Indeed, they did not stray far from each other. Their bites were less than a centimetre away from each other. So close that it looked like vampire bites rather than mosquitoe ones.


There goes their beautiful date.


"Graph paper anyone? Did anyone do question 8?" she asked aloud as the class streamed into the classroom.

"No! I've forgotten to bring! I wanted to do it in class today. I can't believe it! I placed it on my desk, you know! How can I forget?! Can anyone please, please, PLEASE lend me a piece of graph paper?" With that, her friend went from table to table asking for graph paper.

"Oh! I forgot! Sh*t! Anyone got graph paper?!" her friend's smile turned into a frown as anxiety started to set it.

"Question 8?! Must draw graph? Since when?" her friend's eyes widened as she quickly set her file down and flipped through the tutorial.
"I didn't see this question! Die! Will she reach that question today? Do you have graph paper?"

After asking around for 10 minutes, it seemed like the sky was indeed going to collapse this time. No one had graph paper. In fact, soon the word 'graph paper' can be heard across, diagonally, front, and back of the classroom.

"Shhh.. Quiet! The handle moved," her friend hissed behind her. Everyone quickly dashed back to their seats. Within seconds, it was so quiet that you could even hear each other breathing. She could feel her heart racing franctically and her palm watering as the handled turned again.
The door opened.

The teacher stepped in.
Everyone started smiling.

"Ssss" can be heard. It was distinctively a yes, though it was barely audible.
Her teacher was absent. Instead, a relief teacher took over the class. Thoughts of graph paper soon flew away as the teacher started teaching. Laughter took over and they no longer sat at the edge of their seats.

"You know, this is the first time we are laughing during Biology since last term! I want to change teacher!" she exclaimed amidst laughter as the whole class exploded once again.


No pain, No gain
She is so glad she ran. So glad he was there to make everything seem less weird. She is too good at lying. Too good at faking. Did she give all out? Too used to being last, it's hard to draw a line between being actually tired and not being able to do it. Walking became a norm whether she was tired or not. The area is just too greyish, too undefined.

No pain, No gain
No aches the next day. No muscle cramps. No jelly legs. Oh dear. Does that mean no gain? No!
Next stop: 18:00 mins.


Pitter Patter! Pitter Patter!

"Raindrops are falling on my head.." she hummed gently to herself as she trudged up the slope on her way home. It felt so good to walk in the rain as the little rain drops fell onto her face, washing everything away. The gentle breeze blew carressingly against her cheeks just as how her father likes stroking them. Cooling, yet warm at the same time.

Suddenly, the whole sky suddenly light up, and her world went black.

Don't worry.
Nothing happened.
She merely closed her eyes.


"Be it Os or As,
It's not the time to play.
As the ancient saying goes,
You reap what you sow."


Sunday, July 16, 2006

"Yo! Ho! Yo! Ho! A pirate's life for me.."


Ahoy there maties! Welcome abroad the La Dolce Vita. Captain Faith Hope at your service. All hands on deck! Be prepared for the movie of the week! Keep you eyes peeled and your ears opened! Don't even blink! Hold your breath now, and behold, the much awaited sequal to The Pirates of the Caribbean!


She spent a lovely day with her parents today, staring at gigantic screen for 2 hours. Naturally, her brother was with him.
"Mummy, do you want some?" she asked as she offered some nachos to her. Her mum loves nachos, especially with cheese.
"No thanks," came the reply. She shrugged and was about to turn to her brother when her eyes fell on her mother's hands. A smile slowly curled onto her face and she hastily looked away, grinning like a mischievous kid. Her mother and father were actually holding hands in the theatre! That is just super sweet and innocent. Just like a dating couple. So loving and adorable! She guess that's what people call everylasting love, huh! Just like living a fairy tale.


"Hi! Would you like to buy a cookie for charity?" she enquired with the sweetest smile she could master
"Thanks," and they hurriedly walked away.

"Hi! Would you like to buy a cookie for charity?"
"You're doing a good job," and they walked away.

"Hi! Would you like to buy a cookie for charity?"
"Later," and they walked away.

"Hi! Would you like to buy a cookie for charty?"
"I've no money on me, sorry," and they hurriedly walked away.

"Hi! Would you like to buy a cookie for charty?"
"We're selling cookies for charity. It's only at one fifty each. We'll be helping the Hope centre which assists youths financially and emotionally," she said, showing the person the brochure and started into a lengthy explanation on the charity organization.
"Sorry, what are you selling again?"
"Oh, cookies. We're selling them at-"
"Cookies?! I thought you were selling this," she said, pointing at the brochure. "No thanks."


Right! Do more charity work and disappoint less people like her, savvy?
Get back to work, you rudy fools. Charity? Bah!


"Hide all the rum. Quickly. NOW!"


What an eventful day! Shuttling from one place to another, she was kept on her feet the whole day. One moment she would be in the North, the next moment she would be in th East. Racing against time became her number one priority.


"Listen everyone. I feel that for girls, it is best to be attached only in the second year of university. Because by then, she would be exposed to the different kind of guys and she would also be wiser in choosing a guy. Also, by being attached now, she would be restricting herself. In future, if a better guy comes along, she would not know if she should stay, or leave..."

After constant pestering from her class for her form teacher to disclose all the juicy details about her first love, her form teacher finally relented. However, before coming to the main point, she lapsed into a motherly mode, advising people not to get attached at this tender age. It was repetitive and sounded a little naggy. What everyone wanted to hear was her life story, not her wise sayings. However, what she said does makes sense, she thought.

She definitely did not want to restrict herself. Most importantly, she does not want to hurt anyone. After thinking through, she realised there are numerous reasons why she does not want to commit herself.

1) She did not know if he really liked her, or he only liked her just because she was there for him during his lowest moment. It was really confusing. She was afraid it was only a short term kind of liking.

2) "What if i say i don't like you. What will you do?" she asked one day hesitantly. She knew this would hurt him, but she just had to know. Yes, she was being unthoughtful. She was mean. Even cruel perhaps, but she just had to know. She is terribly sorry for any harm done.

"If you don't like me, then i'll stop disturbing you," was the reply.

Does that mean he does not really like her? It was mind-boggling. So he's gonna give up like that? That means he does not like her, right? Or not.

3) She does not know if she likes him in the first place! Yes, she admits, she looks forward to his smses. She enjoys talking to him and kind of enjoys going out with him, but does that mean she likes him? Or does she like him only because he is super nice to her. Yes, he is just incredibly nice. Way over average, if you ask her. He is just the perfect gentlemen! Really really super nice. Oh yes, she thinks about him nearly all the time if she has nothing else on her mind. Pathetic?

4) He has everything a perfect guy has except for one thing. He does not give her security. Will he earn enough in the future to support her? She does not want a rich man. Neither does she want a genius, but will there always be rice on her table in the future? The future seems so bleak with him. On a lighter note, she knows her perception will change. In fact, she is positive, but it all boils down to him. He is smart, but he seems as though he does not want to be smart. Conflicting? Complexed? Just read on, it seems to get worse.

5) It is a difficult time for him, and she knows that. It is only natural for him to feel negative, but she hopes it is just temporary. She will try her best to help him in any way she can, but it is still up to him. It is certain that he is able to leave his valley of misery, but will he give himself that chance?

6) Health is wealth. She will not mind if he is handicapped or disabled provided he knows how to look after himself. However, he seems to be self-torturing. Yes, she agrees, he may be feeling down recently. It is normal. Just a difficult phase of life. It should get better, right? He will stop hurting himself soon, right? He will stop dwelling in self-pity, yes? She hopes shes is not having a fool's hope.

7) Yes, this might be the most ridiculous excuse of all, but it is important to her. She does not want him to become an excuse for poor results at the end. She knows, in fact she is 100% sure, that he will not affect her at all, but she also knows that if she does not do well, she may very well blame it on him even when he is totally innocent. She does not want to fall into that trap. If she does not do well, she only has herself to blame.

After reading this, he might totally ignore her. She knows the risks she is taking, exposing herself like that, but she does not want to hurt him. It is such a weird feeling, and all caused by her teacher's mini speech. She feels like waving a white flag and surrender. She is not cut out for love. Perhaps it's best that he gives up on her. If she is giving up on a perfect guy, which she thinks she is, so be it. She does not want him to feel sad again. Really.


"12 is taking a really long time to get here," complained a friend. Glancing at her watch irritably, she looked up again and peered into the distant. "It's already 11 and there's still no sign of the bus!"

"Look! There's a bus up ahead," she said, smiling at her friend.
"Wait, no, it's 10."

After 5 minutes, there was still no sign of the desired bus.

"Don't worry! There's 2 buses coming!" she said excitably, feeling that after waiting so long, this has to be it.
"Yes, yes, it looks like 12," her friend commented beside her.

"No, wait. It looks like 14, but there's another bus behind," she said, squinting her eyes. "Wait, it seems like 14 again! One after another? What is this?" she remarked.
"Wait a minute, there's another double deck behind. It just has to be 12 this time," she said, feeling confident.

"You're never going to believe this, but i think it's 14 again," she said, feeling dejected.
"What?! Three 14s in one go?" her friend exclaimed in digust.

After another 5 minutes..

"I think there's a bus coming! Yes, this is 12. I'm positive!" she said, standing up.
"Finally! What if later the bus does not stop for us?" her friend asked, jokingly.

The bus drove into the bus bay, and without even looking at her outstretched hand, it drove right past her. There were too many people in the bus.

Their jaws were left hanging. They stared wide-eyed at the bus. Her mind went blank. Did that really happen? She just could not believe it. They waited for like, an eternity before the bus arrived and it just drove right by them. Just like that. Did someone curse her? She must be drenched in bad luck or something. They were silent for a long time before they went back to the bench and sat, resigned to their fate.


It's a cruel world out there. Not everything is strawberries and butterflies.


Friday, July 14, 2006

School has been a roller coaster ride this week. One moment she would be standing high above the rest, the next moment, she could be plummeting down into the dark abyss.


As her English script was placed faced down in front of her, her heart started racing. Did she do well this time? After countless of failures, she hardly dared hope for an astounding result. Just a pass will do, she whispered repeatedly under her breath.

"What did you get?" came a voice at her side.
"I haven't check yet. I just hope I pass this time," she said, her voice a little shaky.
"Do you want me to check for you?"
"No!" came the instant reply from her. She wanted to be the first to know her own results. "I'll wait till you get your script, and then, we'll check together. Ok?"

After one minute, her friend got back her script. She passed.

"You still have not looked yet?!"
"No.. Not yet," she said with a weak smile. Her friend raised her eyebrow and looked at her.
"Are you sure you do not want me to help you look?"
"Ok, ok! I'll look now!"

Slowly, she peeked at the edge of the paper. Not able to stand the anticipation, her friend reached out and quickly turned her paper over. She stared wide-eyed at her friend.

"Look! Your marks are like, super high! I can't imagine why you are so afraid."

She looked down and smiled. She could feel a heavy burden being lifted from her shoulders and right at that moment, she felt as though this would be her happiest moment of the week. All of a sudden, she just could not stop smiling, but just kept staring at her results. She felt exhilarated. It was a wonderful feeling. She just hoped it would be the same for her As. But that's still a long way to go. She would rather concentrate on the present. It was so sweet! She was still smiling at the end of the day.

"Do you think I should drop a subject? I don't feel like dropping any, but I studied so hard for Econs and it's not producing any results," her friend asked, feeling utterly demoralized by her results.

She thought for a while before replying. Weighing each word carefully, she started off slowly.

"If you think that by the prelims, you'll be able to do well, then why not continue on with 4 subjects? Perhaps you did not do well this time because you're too nervous during the exams? However, I'm afraid that if you still do not do well during the Prelims, you might feel dejected and - "
"Can you please shut up and stop demoralizing people? I'm already dejected now." A voice came from the front. It was another friend.

She was stunned. What did she do wrong, she wondered. She opened her mouth, ready to say something, but thought otherwise. Perhaps she was indeed insensitive. However, she was still puzzled and confused. She felt bad. Guilty. Ashamed. She started beating herself up internally.


"How? I'm so scared of the As now," she said, voicing her worries aloud.
"Shut up. Your results are already way better than mine. You have no right to complain," came a voice from behind.

She felt as though a baseball bat hit her. It was true that she scored better than her peers, but she was still disappointed with her results. It is a fact that she could have scored better if not for her carelessness and stupidity. After consoling many of her friends, she thought perhaps they might do the same for her. In contrast, they were now angry with her for scoring better. She did not blame them though. It was understandable. She was being an insensitive jerk. She should have kept her big mouth shut.

"Well done! Keep working hard, ok?"

She felt over the moon as her teacher praised her. Suddenly, hopes of getting all As during the As were ignited. She beamed and felt that even if someone bit her head off at that moment, she wouldn't feel irritated at all. She was that elated. All her worries for her results were momentarily washed away. She was so happy that she could very well have skipped all the way home. And to top it all up, she spoke to him that very night! It was like a cherry on top of a chocolaty, delicious ice cream. Simply sweet!


School. A place filled with dreams and nonsense.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

A girl. An ordinary girl with much to desire. Simple and dull, nothing exciting ever happens in her everyday live of mundane activies. School occupies nearly half of her time and the other half is still dedicated to school. Her world pretty much revolves round school. Before she sleeps, her last thoughts are on school. The moment she wakes, her first thoughts are, yes you guessed it, still on school. With such a routined life, there is pretty much nothing else to introduce. She is just a girl. An ordinary girl.
