-Deuteronomy 31:6-
It was a love hate relationship.
It was the module I loved – so much. Yet, I hate it at the same time for the mere reason that I cannot score in it. I think I’m just stupid. The questions were … well, they are just that – questions. In this module, there is no such thing as a hard question. There is only such thing as a stupid brain. Every answer can definitely be found in the lecture notes. It all depends on whether one can remember every singly minute detail or not.
Conclusion: I have a pea sized brain!
Everyone was crammed outside, in a very small space just in front of the elevator. So small that I would say that it’s only the size of 2 double bedrooms. 15 minutes before judgment, the door opened only to reveal a sight that stunned everyone. The jaws of everyone dropped and the word ‘wah’ drifted into her ears more often than not.
‘Oh man! This way, we really won’t be able to cheat then,” she heard someone exclaim in shock as she inched herself forward, following the crowd that has finally started to crawl their way into the examination venue.
The examination venue was that a medical lab. Common sense: No food and drinks allowed in labs. Thus, no one was allowed to bring water bottles into the examination venue – a pity for those who drink water during examinations in a bid to clear their brain.
Having dumped her bag in the dumping ground, she started making her way around the maze-like lab looking for her seat. The lab was huge! Or rather, they isolated everyone so well that the seats were rather far apart from one another. However, the organized arrangement of the seats made it easy for her to find hers.
The moment she sat, she noticed one distinct thing. The chair was so high that she could swing her legs!! So cool! Even cooler is the fact that the chair is a wheeled-chair that could rotate 360 degrees!! Too bad she was there to do an examination paper, and not a practical experiment.
As she sat down, she happened to glance upwards, and behold! Imagine the sight that met her eyes. A huge television lay above her, and on it was a zoomed in image of a stopwatch that stated – 2:00 00. She stood up and took a sweep down the aisle and realized that nearly every bench has got a humongous television above them. Believe me. It’s huge!! Can you imagine if it’s a lab experiment? The demonstrator would do whatever he has to in front, and it would be telecast ‘live’ to the students via the television!!
The venue was a feast for the eyes, but atlas her eyes had to concentrate on what was before her – the question paper.
“Alright, it’s 9 o’clock. You may begin now.”
It was the command that invited all to begin their journey of self-discovery. For her, she merely discovered how little she retained. Especially when she saw the second question: List the major components of the shoulder joint.
Her heart froze.
Shot dead even before she attempted the paper.
I shall trust in Him.
Believe in Him.
Have faith in Him.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for guiding me along the way. Especially today, for not letting me panic, and for not letting my brain die on me so badly. Grant everyone the strength to pull through! ^.^
“Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the LORD gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged.”
-1 Chronicles 22:13-
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