Another day has begun.
But still no sleep has come.
My body is weary
My mind overworked.
I lie awake thinking
But what I am unsure.
I need to break free from the cycle I endure.
Everyday is the same and the nights are undistinguished.
I feel as though I am being pushed along with the tide
Unable to break free from the everyday flow.
This is not me I need to change, before time takes over
And I am unable to change.
I need to be freed from the grasp of ordinary
And become that person I have always longed for.
Express myself in every way, and conquer the dreams as I lie awake.
Then I may fall asleep and put my mind to rest.
Make changes in my life and help those in need.
I would like to touch everyone's life in a positive way
And leave my mark on society before I fade away.”
-The person I long to be-
I am now supposed to be at badminton training, but...
Okay, I would say that it’s partly my fault that I’m NOT at badminton training right now. The MM said to gather at the takraw, no tekraw.. (oh well, however you spell that) court, but there wasn’t anyone there, so I just made my ‘presence’ known to the MM and thought that perhaps when the time comes, the MM would call. Haha. What wishful thinking!! Then again, I am not going to stand like a stupid fool downstairs. Anyway, it does not really matter right? After all, I am NOT an IHG player.
Haiz. So sian. I do not know what I am doing right now.
Just rotting.
Locking myself in the room.
Anti myself from everything.
Just trying to escape from this horrendous world.
If only for 2 hours.
I was never good at swimming, so I do not know what I got myself into. Surprisingly, I am actually enjoying the trainings. It’s just so much fun. With training, I do not have to think at all.
Just swim, swim, and swim.
Swim faster.
Kick faster.
Hit the shuttle cock.
Hit harder.
If only everything was as straight forward, but then I guess there wouldn’t be any kick in life if it was the case. I’m quite lucky that my life isn’t mundane. I’m quite satisfied with every activity that I have embarked on.
No regrets.
Hopefully, I will not regret coming here.
Into NUS.
Into Pharmacy.
Into RH.
Okay, I guess some of you might be curious about the trip. Oh well, to keep the long story short, I would say that the trip was an eye-opener.
The trip has truly widened my horizons and finally made me realise that life is worth living after all. No matter how useless you think you are, you are so very WRONG. Every little thing that you do will affect someone in one way or the other. It is as the story ‘Five people you meet in heaven’ depicts. Just try your very best; you do not have to do a lot. As long as you do not regret, just give it all you’ve got. Even if you are not satisfied with whatever you have done, do not be disheartened. Bear in mind that somewhere, somehow, someone would have benefited from whatever you have done.
Even by reading my blog now, you are making someone really happy. See what a simple action can do? It does wonders. =]
Results are out.
I do not know what to write.
Satisfied? Happy? Sad? Regretful?
I am not all that sad, and definitely not regretful.
Neither am I satisfied nor happy.
I guess I will just have to work ultra duper hard next semester!! Haha. Hopefully, I can. No, wait. I know I can!!
I will just have to believe!! =P
I have been running from so many things.
Simply running, and running, and more running.
I even dream of myself literally running.
But I just do not know how to face everything!!
Suddenly, I feel as though a torrent of emotions have been trashed onto me.
Suddenly, I feel so inadequate.
Suddenly, I feel so very lost.
Never mind, I shall take things as they come. No use pondering over something I cannot decipher. What’s the use of torturing my already useless mind over matters I cannot control? After all, the sun will always shine.
Maintain an open mind!!
“Life is an ebb and flow of constant changes.
Starting from the existence of a tiny seed
Blooming with hopeful life,
To the springing forth of a being so full of
future promise.
Who continually changes throughout the ever flowing paths of life's ups and downs!
Changing constantly in form and status
While experiencing awakenings, frustrations, sadness, and a gamut of feelings,
Related to disappointments, untimely occurrences, unwanted occurrences, and exciting
Often rarely prepared for the changes to come.
Dealing with the making of new adjustments,
While letting go of the familiarity and comfort of the past.
Knowing that what was so secure yesterday was just a fleeting moment in time.
As we go through life continuing to make adjustments related to life's happenings,
Seeking to find that inner peace and happiness,
trying to adjust to each step of life's
never-ending changes!”
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