that it's hard to remove, or change.."
Singapore has confirmed its first case of H1N1!!
Now, the shop is going to have 'ks' people coming,
asking weird questions.
Hopefully, the number of cases does not increase,
all hell will break loose!
Secretly though, I might be happier
'cause it means busier shop = things to do!
I met my stalker.
If you guys remember the post I posted around 3 years ago..
yeah, it's the same OLD GUY!
Am I so down on my luck these few days until this extent?
I can't believe I have to meet him again!
Who likes a person who complains all the time?
Who likes a person who is sad all the time?
Who likes a person who is gloomy all the time?
Who likes a person who is a pessimist all the time?
I realised, few people will want to be with someone who is sad, gloomy, pessimistic or whiny all the time.
Sure, they would be friends, but if they were to be with that person every single day, it gets a little tiring.
People tend to enjoy more in the company of people who joke around, or smiles most of the time.
People tend to enjoy more in the company of people who laughs and fool around.
People tend to enjoy more in the company of people who are the optimist; who always sees a silver lining in almost everything.
And perhaps, I have discovered this long ago, and that's why I have become the person I am.
Of course it is okay to complain once in a while, or to whine once, but doing it more than twice can be irritating, and frustrating to the person who hears it, right?
I realised that I have hid so many things within myself that I no longer know how to get rid of them.
I realised that my blog is still my outlet for my emotions, no matter how I whine or complain to others, because I usually am upset over the same thing.
Usually, whenever something bothers me, I try to shrug it off, and pretend it doesn't affect me at all. On and on it piles, until it ends up on my blog, and then I feel temporary relief, as though I have got something off my chest, but a few months later, it'll be up on my blog again.
Oh well, that's me - with so many things hidden inside that I sometimes know not what is going on in that brain of mine, but still, smile! =)
I will be that cheerful person people like.
People just like to see others smiling.
So, look on the bright side, dear girl!
Everyday is just a brand new day, I tell myself.
Throw everything away! I say
And then, when I let my guard down,
Everything comes crushing down on me at the same time, 'cause I realised the sadness did not go away, it was just suppressed. Sure, it'll be overwhelming at that point in time, but after crying for an hour or so, it's ready to be packed again, and hidden somewhere deep.
Nonetheless, smile.
Customers are so annoying sometimes.
They can be so anal, or really demanding.
They can be so blur, that they get on your nerves.
They make you grit your teeth, and you sometimes wish you could just walk away.
Still, there are customers who are so nice;
who smile and say 'thank you' from the bottom of their hearts.
These customers really make you feel as though what you are doing is really worthwhile.
These customers are the ones that really make your day
What is the future like?
I sometimes wonder what my future holds, and I feel really scared,
for I see nothing in my future.
I really want to know what it will be like, or at least have a plan.
It's hard to get motivated to do anything, not knowing what the future is like.
It looks so bleak, somehow.
I tell myself, don't look so far ahead, just concentrate on the present.
Still, whenever I see myself 10 years down the road, I suddenly get so sad, because I don't see much 10 years down the road.
You either love them, or you hate them.
Do you know what it feels like, to do a sum, but you got stucked. As such, you check the solution, and you grin, for you think you know how to do it. The next day, you encounter the same kind of question again, but you get stucked again! You get frustrated, for you know you have learnt this before! Again, you refer to the answer, and you curse yourself for your stupidity, for you understand, and you tell yourself you know how to do it. Then, the next day, you encounter the SAME kind of question again, and AGAIN, you know not how to do!
This time, your teacher looks at you, a little frustrated, wondering, when will you ever learn, and you know not why you just can't seem to grasp that mathematical concept!
Both of you are frustrated, for both know not what the problem is.
Clara, when will you EVER learn.
"Why is the future obscured?"